Annual grapevine growth cycle and vineyard management calendar

Annual grapevine growth cycle and vineyard management calendar

The grapevine growth cycle depends on weather conditions. In spring, grapevines “wake up” and start their annual growth cycle with budburst, which ends in fall with leaf falling, followed by winter dormancy. According to its growth phase, the grapevine has different needs and requirements for successful growth and development, which winegrowers need to fulfil to harvest healthy and fully mature berries. Therefore, the vineyard management calendar depends on the grapevine growth cycle.

The vineyard management calendar is based on the annual grapevine growth cycle.

The growth phase of grapevine varies based on climate, weather, variety, and other growing conditions. Since there are a lot of different conditions for grapevine growth and grape development, it’s hard to fully align growth phases with the yearly calendar. However, it’s possible to provide some framework for work activities in the vineyard. The picture below shows the vineyard management calendar based on the annual grapevine growth cycle, by months of the year, for the Northern Hemisphere (for Europe). For the Southern Hemisphere, the season – the annual grapevine growth cycle – and thus the vineyard management calendar has to be seen the other way around.

Photo (Vins de Bordeaux): Vineyard management calendar based on the annual grapevine growth cycle for Northern hemisphere.


2 responses to “Annual grapevine growth cycle and vineyard management calendar”

  1. Thank you so much for the information! I am witing a historical novel that includes a vineyard, and I have been having the hardest time figuring out what type of activities would have been happening there at which time of year. Your site has been the most helpful.

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